Truth Never Fails

Saturday, June 25, 2016

facebookக்கும் நானும்

யார கேட்டாலும் facebookலாம் use பண்ணுறதில்லன்னு சொல்லுறானுங்க ...........
ஆனா தினமும் தமிழ்நாட்டு செய்திதான் facebookல அதிகமா Trend ஆகுது..
இவனுங்க நல்லவனுங்க மாதுரி நடிக்கிறானுங்க...

இவனுங்க யாருன்னா ஒருத்தவங்க profile விடமா தினமும் பாக்குரவனுங்க..
ஆனா யாருக்கும் like மட்டும் போடவே மாட்டானுங்க...
அப்படியே போட்டா பெரிய பெரிய VIP போடுற மொக்க போஸ்ட்க்கு மட்டும் தான் போடுவானுங்க.....

இல்லைன்னா இதை ஷேர் பண்ண உங்களுக்கு நன்மை வந்து சேரும்ன்னு சொல்லுற போஸ்ட் மட்டும் தான் ஷேர் பண்ணுவானுங்க.....
நீங்க பண்றது தப்பில்ல ஆனா இங்க இருந்துகிட்டே இல்லாத மாதுரி நடிக்கிறது தப்பு... ஒட்டு கேட்குற மாதுரி...,

ஒருவேளை நீங்க செய்யுறதுதான் சரினா .........
நானும் அதே போலதான் மாறனும்....

Saturday, June 18, 2016

India Price Rice

In India there is monitoring system in all departments from that they are just monitoring and keeping records that's all their job done.
They won't analyse and take necessary steps (Execute) or even respond to it.

Let me explain by a example: Tomato price is 100 rupees per kg ...good let it raise still high. but central gov can forecast this price rise by monitoring the drought in tomato farming areas. Then they can initiate importers to import tomato and they can control the price raise .All these things can be done before the price raise .

Same way Food corporation of India monitors the stocks and recent arrival of food grains .Even they can predict the future price rise by calculating the lack of stocks .Then they can inform gov to take necessary steps ..don't know whether they're doing it or not ?.

If they did it right , then Agriculture ministry ,Chemical and fertilisers ministry ,Finance ministry ,Exports and Imports,Transport ministry will have a joint cabinet meeting and take action towards it..
did this happens....? If so....

Then how its happening ? Onion price rise ,Tomato prise rise,Rice price rise.
Its all a game ...for someones's gain.

If you don't understand this let it be cool
Krishna Kumar G

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Hey Darling How Are You ?

Hey Darling I miss you so much .

How are you dear ?

I would like to meet you it was so long I've never seen you.
really worry about it.

I'm confessing it publically in my blog .

I truly miss u

Please think about us .we are wasting our time....

don't think you are sacrifing yourself for others ..think about your life and decide whats right.

now I need to see you...pls

no need to plan anything just come over

don't play silly game ........I can find you but now how I can find you ..........put this game apart.

sorry for anything wrong I've done to you......very sorry .....pls understand me...

eagerly waiting for you.


Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Find me if you can ?

Joke happening now in my life
A person standing in front of me & asking
Find me if you can?
Now I think that person is completely insane .
or making me an idiot ..
(yellam Thalai eyluththu )
Later now I accepted as I can't able to find you..better you reveal yourself . let me know where you are.and what are you doing.

I think you are great
Common lets play a game .

(Already You are here inside  me)

This time I'll win the Game

-All in the Game